Our goal is to provide quality service to every client. We value your business and are dedicated to building strong and rewarding relationships with all of our clients.
However, should you have a complaint concerning our services, the following summarizes our complaint handling procedures. In addition, when you open your account(s) with us, we will provide you with copies of two CIRO brochures concerning the complaint handling process entitled Making a Complaint – A Guide for Investors (Part 1 of 2). These brochures (and additional information) are available on the following pages of the CIRO website:
A complaint is your expression of dissatisfaction, either verbally or in writing, regarding your account, the service provided to you by Bitbuy, or any other aspect of our business relationship, and should be submitted directly to Bitbuy by you or by someone who is authorized to act on your behalf.
Depending on the nature of the complaint, as a first step, you may wish to contact a Customer Success team representative who may be able to provide you with a quick resolution to your matter. Should you be dissatisfied with the resolution provided to you, or in the event of a more significant complaint, you may forward your complaint in writing directly to:
Chief Compliance Officer
Coinsquare Capital Markets Ltd.
110 Cumberland St, Unit 342
Toronto, ON, Canada M5R-3V5
Email: compliance@coinsquare.com
Within five (5) business days of our receipt of your complaint, you will be provided with an acknowledgement letter confirming the name and contact information of the Bitbuy employee handling the review of your complaint. Additionally, we will enclose the two CIRO approved complaint handling process brochures referred to above (i.e., Making a Complaint – A Guide for Investors (Part 1 of 2) and How Can I Get My Money Back? A Guide for Investors (Part 2 of 2)).
In conducting the review, we may contact you or your authorized agent to request additional information which may be required to resolve the complaint. Within ninety (90) calendar days, you will be provided with either our substantive response to your complaint or correspondence acknowledging that we require additional time or information in order to complete our review.
Our substantive response letter will provide an outline of your complaint, Bitbuy's decision on the complaint, and the reason for this decision. You will also be provided with additional information regarding your options to escalate your concerns further in the event that you are not satisfied with the outcome of the review. This includes contact information for the Ombudsman for Banking Services and Investments (“OBSI”) and CIRO.
For residents of Quebec, we also wish to inform you that, if you are dissatisfied with our review of your complaint or the outcome of this review, you may request that your complaint file be transferred to the Autorité des marchés financiers (the “AMF”). To do so, you must wait for our final decision or the expiry of the time limit of 90 days, and your request must be submitted no later than one year after the date you have obtained our final response. Following the transfer of your complaint to the AMF, the latter will proceed with their own investigation.
Have questions? Please contact us at compliance@coinsquare.com.
Last Updated: May, 2024