The Guide To Using The Bitbuy App

Bitbuy's Mobile App Guide

Intro to the Bitbuy Mobile App

The Bitbuy mobile app is finally here! You can now buy, sell, trade, deposit and withdraw crypto right on your phone in a seamless native experience.

The Bitbuy app is on iOS and Android. Let’s take a closer look at the app and how to use it in this blog article!

Trade Crypto like a pro

How To Download The Bitbuy App

On your phone right now?

Apple iPhone or iPad users: Click this link to take you to the app store to download the Bitbuy Mobile App.

Android Users: Click this link to take you to the app store to download the Bitbuy Mobile App

On your desktop?

Scan this QR code with your mobile camera to take you to the app store to download the mobile app.

Install the app on your phone and open it to start trading.

How To Sign In/ Sign Up For Bitbuy Through The App

If you already have a Bitbuy account, login from the main screen using your new username and password. You will be asked for two-factor authentication from your phone or Google 2FA/Authy as well as captcha for additional security.

sign in page

If you are signing up for the first time, you’ll need to enter some personal information in order for us to verify your identity through our automated third-party identity verification service. If your identity was not automatically verified, our support team will reach out directly with the verification documents you will need to submit. Trust us, it’s really easy.

If you run into any issues please reach out directly by submitting a request here.

How To Use The Bitbuy Mobile App

Once you are signed in to the app, you’ll notice three buttons along the bottom of the screen. Wallets, Trade & Profile. These will be your navigation buttons, and you’ll use these to navigate the app.


Bitbuy has built in wallets in each user accounts that you can use to store your digital currency securely. That being said, it’s always best practice to withdraw off your Bitbuy account to an external hardware or software wallet if you are planning to hold long-term.

Wallets on Bitbuy

Wallets are where all your transactions will take place and where your currency lives. Whether it’s CAD that you have deposited, or cryptocurrency you have sent or received, you’ll find all your balances in the wallet tab. To buy digital currencies, you must have a Canadian dollar balance first. To add Canadian dollars to your account in order to buy digital currencies, click add funds then follow the instructions on screen.

Once you have a Canadian dollar balance, you can buy digital currencies by clicking the buy button next to your selected coin.

To deposit or withdraw digital currencies to or from external wallets, other exchanges and more, simply use the deposit and withdrawal buttons beside each coin.

Easy enough, right?


Follow up to date prices with all the digital currencies we offer, with 24 hour charting, as well as our latest blog posts and technical analysis (coming soon!).


All your transaction records all in one place. Easily track your account history including your buys, sells, deposits and withdrawals.

order history


Your profile will house all your personal information, referral information and more. You won’t be able to make any changes to this information from the app, you’ll need to log in to the web version of Bitbuy or in some cases, reach out to Bitbuy support.

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