What is Hedera

Learn more about what Hedera is and its tokenomics in this comprehrensive guide.

Hedera (HBAR) Tokenomics
Market Cap
Circulating Supply
35,741,578,542 HBAR
Total Supply
50,000,000,000 HBAR
Max Supply
50,000,000,000 HBAR
*Please note that these values are not updated in real-time. Last updated on 19-4-2024.
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What is Tokenomics?

Tokenomics is a blend of the words "token" and "economics". It encompasses various factors such as the distribution, circulation, supply, demand, and utility of the token within its ecosystem. Tokenomics outlines how the token is created, distributed, and used, as well as its potential value and functionality.  

In essence, tokenomics provides a framework for understanding the economic aspects and incentives surrounding a particular cryptocurrency or token.

What is Hedera (HBAR)?

HBAR is the native cryptocurrency of the Hedera network, which is a public, decentralized blockchain platform designed for a variety of applications. Unlike traditional blockchain technology, Hedera uses a novel consensus algorithm known as Hashgraph. This algorithm allows for secure, fair, and fast transactions on the network.

Who founded Hedera (HBAR)?

Hedera Hashgraph, the platform behind HBAR, was founded by Leemon Baird and Mance Harmon. Leemon Baird is known for inventing the hashgraph consensus algorithm, which is a foundational technology of the Hedera network, while Mance Harmon serves as the CEO of Hedera. Together, Baird and Harmon have brought their respective expertise in technology and business to create a blockchain alternative that aims for high throughput, low fees, and minimal latency in transactions. Their collaboration has been instrumental in developing and promoting the Hedera Hashgraph ecosystem and its native cryptocurrency, HBAR.

What does Hedera (HBAR) do?

Below are some of the key functionalities and features of Hedera (HBAR):

High Transaction Speeds: Hedera is designed to support high transaction speeds, with the capability to process up to 10,000 transactions per second. This is significantly higher than most traditional blockchains, making it well-suited for applications requiring fast and efficient processing.

Low Transaction Costs: The network maintains low transaction fees, typically around $0.0001 USD per transaction, paid in HBAR. This low cost is intended to encourage widespread adoption and use of the platform for various applications.

Finality and Security: Utilizing the asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance (aBFT) mechanism, Hedera ensures immediate transaction finality without the risk of forks. This means that once a transaction is confirmed, it cannot be altered or reversed, ensuring high levels of security and trust.

Utility Token: HBAR serves multiple purposes within the Hedera network. It is used to pay for transaction fees, smart contracts, and file storage services. Additionally, HBAR helps to secure the network by incentivizing nodes through staking mechanisms.

Smart Contracts and Decentralized Applications (dApps): Hedera supports the development and deployment of smart contracts and dApps. This opens up possibilities for various use cases, including decentralized finance (DeFi), supply chain management, and digital identity verification, among others.

Governance and Development: Hedera aims to provide a stable and governed platform, with decisions made by a council of diverse organizations. This governance model seeks to ensure the long-term growth and sustainability of the network.

How is Hedera (HBAR) distributed?  

The distribution of HBAR is carefully managed and reported by Hedera, with a focus on transparency, security, and the long-term health of the network. Below is a summary of the key aspects of HBAR's distribution:

Pre-minted Supply: All HBAR tokens were pre-minted at the launch of the Hedera network. This means that there is a fixed supply of HBAR tokens, with no additional tokens being created after the initial minting. The total supply and its management are overseen by the Hedera Council's Treasury, ensuring that the distribution aligns with the network's long-term goals and stability.

Quarterly Distributions: Hedera has adopted a policy of releasing HBAR distribution reports on a quarterly basis. This ensures transparency and regular updates on how the tokens are being allocated and distributed across the network. The specifics of these distributions, including dates and amounts, are detailed in these reports.

Distribution to SAFT Investors: A significant portion of HBAR tokens is distributed to investors who participated in the Simple Agreement for Future Tokens (SAFT). This investment mechanism was used during Hedera's early funding rounds, and investors are allocated HBAR tokens as part of their agreement.

Bonus Allocations: In addition to the standard distributions, there are bonus allocations made to certain SAFT holders. These bonuses consist of additional HBAR tokens, equating to a percentage of the tokens sold by Hedera in a prior period, and are distributed pro-rata among eligible SAFT holders.

Token Unlocks and Vesting: The distribution of HBAR also includes specific unlock schedules and vesting periods. As of the latest data, 62.1% of the total HBAR supply has been unlocked, with the remaining portion subject to ongoing vesting schedules and distribution plans. This structure is designed to manage the supply of HBAR in the market effectively.

Token Allocation: The token allocation for Hedera includes portions set aside for the Hedera Pre-Minted Treasury, employees, and other specific uses. This structured allocation ensures that the network's operational needs are met while also supporting growth and development initiatives.

What is Hedera (HBAR)’s objective?

Hedera (HBAR) aims to establish a stable and reliable network designed to support a wide array of decentralized, enterprise-grade applications. It focuses on providing developers with the tools needed to create decentralized applications (DApps) through its offerings such as Smart Contracts, Consensus, and Token services, utilizing an easy-to-use API.

Is Hedera (HBAR) Proof of Stake or Proof of Work?

Hedera (HBAR) operates on a Proof of Stake (PoS) mechanism. In a PoS system, validators are chosen to confirm transactions based on the amount of cryptocurrency they are willing to "stake" or lock up as security, rather than using computational power to solve cryptographic puzzles as in PoW. Hedera's use of PoS is part of its broader strategy to provide a more energy-efficient, scalable, and secure platform for transactions and decentralized applications.

Is Hedera (HBAR) inflationary or deflationary?

Hedera Hashgraph (HBAR) operates with a fixed maximum supply of 50 billion HBAR tokens. This set cap suggests a non-inflationary model over the long term, meaning no new HBAR tokens will be created beyond this limit, which could imply deflationary pressure as the demand for HBAR increases over time.

However, the current dynamics of HBAR's token distribution and usage fees complicate the picture. For instance, transaction fees collected in HBAR are not destroyed but instead are used to compensate nodes for their participation in the network. This mechanism does not directly reduce the total supply of HBAR but redistributes existing tokens.

Furthermore, the yearly supply inflation rate has been reported to be significant, indicating that a considerable amount of the total supply is being introduced into circulation annually. This could create inflationary pressure in the short to medium term, depending on the rate of new HBAR tokens entering the market compared to the growth in demand.

In summary, while Hedera Hashgraph's fixed maximum supply indicates a long-term non-inflationary or potentially deflationary trajectory, short to medium-term inflationary pressures exist due to the ongoing release of HBAR tokens into circulation. The balance between these factors—fixed supply cap, token redistribution mechanisms, and the rate of new token introductions—will ultimately influence whether HBAR behaves more as an inflationary or deflationary asset over different time horizons.

How does Hedera (HBAR) get burned?

Hedera (HBAR) employs a mechanism to "burn" or permanently remove tokens from circulation, which can affect the overall supply of HBAR. Token burning is a process widely used in the cryptocurrency world to reduce the total supply of a token, potentially increasing its scarcity and value. In the context of Hedera, there are specific ways through which HBAR tokens can be burned:

  • Token Burn by Treasury Account: Tokens can be burned through a process that involves removing fungible (identical) and non-fungible (unique) tokens owned by the Treasury Account. If no Supply Key is defined for the transaction, it will not proceed, indicating a safeguard against unauthorized burning.
  • Buyback and Burn Programs: Hedera has initiated buyback and burn sales programs. During these programs, HBAR tokens are purchased from the market and then burned, effectively reducing the total supply of HBAR in circulation.  

These methods indicate that token burning in Hedera (HBAR) is both a technical capability of the network and a strategic tool used by its governing body and community to manage the token's economics. Through these mechanisms, Hedera aims to balance supply with demand, potentially influencing the token's market dynamics positively.

What is on the Hedera (HBAR) roadmap?

The Hedera (HBAR) roadmap presents a comprehensive plan aimed at advancing the network's capabilities, fostering community growth, and expanding its use cases. While specifics can evolve, key highlights from the roadmap include:   

Network Performance Enhancements: A significant focus is on maintaining and improving the Hedera network's state of readiness to support over 10,000 transactions per second (tps), coupled with staking rewards at an approximate rate of 6.5%. This enhancement is crucial for supporting a wide range of applications requiring high throughput and fast finality.

Environmental Initiatives: Part of the roadmap includes creating policies that quantify and report greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with HBAR transactions. This initiative demonstrates Hedera's commitment to sustainability and responsible environmental practices, leveraging standards like the GHGP product Standard and ICT Sector Guidance.

Staking Expansion: The roadmap also details plans to educate and encourage the Hedera community about staking opportunities with HBAR. Resources are being developed to guide users from novice to expert levels in staking, potentially offering profitable ventures within the cryptocurrency space.

Strategic Financial Commitments: Hedera has committed significant financial resources, over $400 million in HBAR, to fuel the network's growth. These funds are earmarked for grants and other initiatives aimed at fostering development and adoption across the Hedera ecosystem.

Community Engagement and Governance: The roadmap emphasizes the importance of community, stakeholder input, and prioritization in shaping Hedera's future. This approach ensures that the development and execution of the roadmap align with the needs and expectations of its diverse user base.

Continued Use Case Development: Hedera aims to explore and expand upon new use cases for its technology, including but not limited to, applications in finance, supply chain, and other sectors requiring secure, decentralized solutions (Source: Hedera official website).

What risks does Hedera (HBAR) have?

Like other crypto assets, there are some general risks associated with investing in HBAR.  

We describe many of these general risks in HBAR’s Crypto Asset Statement including risks relating to: volatility; access, loss or theft; control of processing power; settlement of transactions on crypto asset networks; momentum pricing; private keys; internet disruptions; faulty code; network development and support; regulatory risk; network forks; air drops; voting rights; cybersecurity incidents and other systems and technology problems; unforeseeable risks.

While we tried to describe the key risks associated with HBAR here and in our risk statement, these aren’t all the risks associated with trading in HBAR. You should also always do your own research on HBAR to make sure you are comfortable investing in it.

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